Why Instagram is dropping the Store tab

Why Instagram is dropping the Store tab

Instagram ogłosił, że wprowadzi pewne zmiany w dolnym rzędzie menu, w szczególności usunie kontrowersyjną kartę Sklep, w której użytkownicy mogą znaleźć produkty od firm specjalnie sugerowanych do sprawdzenia i zakupu bezpośrednio w aplikacji. Po zaledwie 2,5 latach w dolnym rzędzie menu, Instagram ponownie zmienia sytuację. Ale dlaczego? Instagram usuwa kartę Sklep Karta Sklep pojawiła się…

Best time to use Instagram in 2023 [Complete guide].

Best time to use Instagram in 2023 [Complete guide].

When is the best time to post on Instagram to make sure the post gets noticed? What about the best day to get the most likes in a given week? Most comments We've run the numbers to determine the best times to post on Instagram. We understand that every business and audience is different, so we'll help you determine the best times to post for

Why Instagram Reels are important for businesses

Why Instagram Reels are important for businesses

Get more engagementHave you noticed something different about Instagram? The explosion of TikTok, with more than a billion monthly active users, has forced Instagram to compete by creating its own version of the catchy short video format. Instagram now favors Reels, and brands can't rely solely on static images to engage their audiences.Many content creators, influencers and brands have found that they gain more views and

How the TikTok algorithm works

How the TikTok algorithm works

Crack the TikTok algorithmThe key stake in determining how you're doing with the TikTok algorithm is average watch time. The TikTok algorithm uses the average watch time relative to the length of the video to push the video and allow it to appear on users' FOR YOU channels. The more likely a video is to go viral, the more people will watch it. During

Instagram Live: Tips and Ideas

Instagram Live: Tips and Ideas

Jeśli uwielbiasz mówić przed kamerą, a kamera kocha z powrotem, to czas, abyś dowiedział się więcej o Instagram live, aby pomóc w rozwoju Twojego biznesu. IG Live wykracza poza wcześniej nagrane wideo. Jest bardziej naturalny, surowy i pełen sentymentu. Kiedy dzielisz się historią stojącą za swoim biznesem, użytkownicy chętniej poczują się z nim związani. Dziś

What is ChatGPT? What it is and how to register.
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What is ChatGPT? What it is and how to register.

ChatGPT is a chatbot platform with artificial intelligence capabilities. It allows users to create their own chatbots that can interact with humans in natural language. With ChatGPT, you can easily create virtual agents or bots that can automatically respond to customer inquiries, provide product information and even suggest products or services. To sign up for ChatGPT, you will...

How 3 ethical ways brands have capitalized on the "It's Corn" trend without actually using sound - Your Social Team

How 3 ethical ways brands have capitalized on the "It's Corn" trend without actually using sound - Your Social Team

If you've been on social lately, you've probably noticed that an adorable boy declaring his love for corn went viral on TikTok and Reels.Brands were quick to jump on it and use the audio to talk about other topics in their industry, as TikTok and Reels are trending.But the song was far too busy for any

Instagram Creator vs. business account

Instagram Creator vs. business account

Remember the good old days when Instagram served as a new platform for sharing funny selfies? Now it's a social media platform for businesses to thrive.And in the beginning (when God created the world) there were only personal accounts. That's how everyone started. Over time, Instagram also developed professional accounts, which were divided into two

Instagram Followers Disappearing and accounts are suspended for no reason today (10/31/22) - Your Social Team

Instagram Followers Disappearing and accounts are suspended for no reason today (10/31/22) - Your Social Team

Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and content store to help social media managers and Instagram savvy female entrepreneurs beat the algorithm and increase their organic engagement (yes, even in 2021). This year it also launched Your Template Club, a subscription to Canva templates, to provide social media managers and business owners with a

How to grow your Instagram organically

How to grow your Instagram organically

W świecie marketingu społecznego każdy próbuje znaleźć przepis na sukces, ale tylko nieliczni są gotowi ciężko pracować, aby osiągnąć swój wyższy cel. Poznając zmagania, jedni się poddają, podczas gdy inni chcą znaleźć najszybszą i najszybszą ścieżkę. Na Instagramie trzeba włożyć dużo wysiłku, aby opracować świetne treści, a także dowiedzieć się, jak rozwijać Instagram organicznie.Po co