Malicious apps on Android, Streaming on Xbox One, Caught in a phishing scam and Raspberry Pi projects for beginners
This week's podcast is filled with tech news that matters to how you use technology, and some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your technology.
Show notes
Our program this week includes the following important technical news:
- Instagram plans new candid Fetaure challenge to face BeReal competition
- 35 malicious Android apps you should uninstall now
We give you these hints and tips:
- How to stream to Xbox One from your phone
- Key signs that you've been caught in a phishing scam
- 10 Raspberry Pi projects for beginners
And Christian complains about design choices made by some car camera manufacturers that make installing a car camera more difficult than it should be.
- How to install a car camera
This week's program is hosted by Christian Cawley and features Ben Stegner and Gavin Phillips. Follow them on Twitter (@gadgetmonkey, @stegnersaurus I @gavinspavin) for updates and even suggestions for future topics.
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